Alfred 4 for windows
Alfred 4 for windows

alfred 4 for windows

Back in 2006 I ran mainly OS X workflows and Quicksilver had quickly become my favorite piece of software. Hey all, wanted to revive this old topic and chip in my hopes for the impossible - to see Alfred take on Windows.

  • Check out AlternativeTo for more possibilities:.
  • There's gnome Do but its more similar to Quicksilver.
  • Launchy is cross-platform and looks superficially similar:.
  • I'd love to have Alfred be cross-platform as well, but I can see that it might be difficult. The sheer number of them overall, depending on the architecture could be pretty staggering. The bigger issues would probably be the UI and other OS-level integration points. In fact indexing has been around since at least Windows 2000.

    alfred 4 for windows

    It would require shuffling around the system calls, but in all fairness, Windows 7+ has an integrated feature very similar to Spotlight. As awesome as Andrew is, he our only developer and stays really busy with Alfred. Writing something like this for Windows would require a lot of work and pretty much be a complete rewrite.


    Alfred relies on Spotlight's metadata and other API's custom to Mac OS X to search for all your files, contacts, bookmarks, etc. Spotlight comes installed on every Mac and it's metadata server is what keeps everything on the Mac indexed and searchable, and really fast. Some parts may be easier to implement but the primary thing is Spotlight. As Tyler mentioned, this would be really difficult in for a Windows environment.

    Alfred 4 for windows